Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Roles of Extraordinary Ministers


Previously a consultant with Sama, Yola Dabrowski offered project management solutions to clients within the fields of real estate, software, health care, and supplemental education. Actively involved with the Catholic Church, Yola Dabrowski has helped prepare second graders for First Communion as a Lay Eucharistic Minister (LEM).

Officially called "Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion" in the Catholic Church, this is a layperson who assists in the distribution of Holy Communion during or after Mass. Each diocese establishes its own rules for the appointment of Extraordinary Ministers. Generally, they must be 21 years of age and must attend a workshop offered by the Office of Sacred Liturgy. Upon approval of the Pastor, the Bishop appoints Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist to a renewable term, limited to service in a specific parish.

In 1997, eight Vatican Offices published the instructional piece "Some Questions Regarding Collaboration of Nonordained Faithful in Priests’ Sacred Ministry." It clarified the limits of the extraordinary minister’s role; they cannot preach or perform liturgical celebrations.